Ending & Beginning

Doom and Gloom

A striped Doom-themed scarf.
The Doom Aspect.
A striped Doom-themed scarf.

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Doom, the Aspect of destruxion, control and limits, deficiency, wisdom, and negativity. It’s bottom of the barrel, staying in your cage, and taking what you can because there’s simply nothing else. It’s self-perservation and resourcefulness in a world where the fittest survive. Taking things at face value and axcepting them despite it. The Reaper.

..But you don’t start out like that. Those things are very brutally learnt, and the Doombound, battered and bruised, know that the most. Yet they keep going, sharing their wisdom and keeping others company just as Misery has done to them. Even if they do end up alone in the end.

The Doombound are the universe’s chosen sufferers, but the best consultors and mentors. They know how to keep their head and xpectations low, easily understanding and xacting certain boundaries when everyone else just can’t seem to quit. But just as the Doombound axcept horrible things into their worldview, they tend to be quick to dismiss the brighter side of things for their sorrowful comfort zone. Always trying to survive, of course it’s hard for them to live Life.

Those bound to Doom can be wise, upfront, understanding, and non-judgemental, or bitter, crude, resentful, and fatalistic.

On the other hand, Doom’s symbols include.. Well, doom, death/decay, debt/poverty, unhealthiness, and famine.

So is Life

A striped Life-themed scarf.
The Life Aspect.
A striped Life-themed scarf.

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